Harry potter
Email: Harry.potter@icloud.com | Phone: (773) 303-2568 | Address: 2323 N Cambridge Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53211
Cybersecerity with 2 years of experince with government and private secuirty software contractors.
Cybersecerity Analyst
November 2020 - Present
- Supervised a team of 40 instructors to deliver company projects on time
- Performed threat analysis in a 24/7 environment, mitigating and managing all threats and risks to the company and gained 99% security in data
Website Consultant
January 2018 - May 2020
- considered client concerns to determine the best method of defending attacks
- scanned sites for malware and security risks regualary, saving over 500 computers from unwanted and unwarrented threats and destructions
Bachelor of Information science and Technolgy
University of Wisconson,Milwaukee Graduated: May 2020